The Diary

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New York, Decbr 31st 1881.

Decbr 31st Sat.

Lovely clear day. Very busy. Lunch splendid venison steak at U. Sq. Hotel. Have to help F. Grote & Co. and McBride with money. At 5½ P.M. to Thies take a glass of Kulmbacher beer & Oysters with Tretbar, Stetson Kraemer + Ch. St. bid them good by. Arriving home find George up since 1 P.M. Paula has also a slight cold. Writing some & spending part of the time with wife, who is still in bed and must remain there for some time yet, we all sleep into the new year, the year 1881. having been very prosperous in business for St. + S. all members of the Steinway family well, and although I was still quite ill the first 3 months of the year yet my health being entirely restored, only in the arch of right foot a remote slight hardening being noticeable, I have special reason for gratitude a splendid well formed healthy strong son being born unto me, and wife comparatively well


End of the year 1881,


Little baby's Length 21½ inches, weight 10 #s nett measured around chest 14 inches
George's height 5 feet 7 1/8 inches, weight
Paula's height    5 "     4  ¾     "    ,     "
Wm. Steinways weight 202½ #s