The Diary

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New York, March 26th 1882.

March 26th Sunday.

Cold clear day. My cold increasing, sneeze & my nose runs. At Store in forenoon, play 66 with RdRt jr in afternoon, lose 50 Cts, Theodore & whole family for supper & spend eve'g with me, George to Ingersoll lecture

March 27th Monday.

Cold very bad, have also a sore throat, therefore drive to Store, lunch at U. Sq. Hotel, sneeze all day Dr. Musits calls, gives me Medicin for my throat, Theo. calls towards eve'g, have partial explanation. In eve'g with Cotterill at my house, go through Vandyke case with him from Jan-July 1877

March 28th Tuesday.

Slept well, and a general improvement although I am fearfully hoarse, decide to postpone our childrens party from tomorrow night to Wed. E'g April 5th. Topmakers Eisele & Wismann call from Astoria. It is clearing up, my cold & nose improve rapidly under the homeopathic doses I feel also quite light in my feet, at L.K. in eve'g. Build'g Com. Session plumbing & gas fitting given out to Ehrhart

Theo. fixes up 3d Varnishers list wages

March 29. Wed.

Busy all day, stock account, in eve'g wife and Paula to Opera Wm. Tell, I go through Vandyke case til 11 P.M. at home. Constantin Schmidts baby has been very sick for several days

March 30th Thursd.

Rainstorm. Blasius writes that Patti will use Haines piano next saturday at Phila. Contract expiring March 31st this cannot be helped. My cold nearly well At 113/4 A.M. to Astor House, take lunch, to Cotterills Office, with him to Coffee saloon, at 2 P.M. Vandyke reference, I testify from Jan 5th-July 1877. heavy tilts between counsel, Cotterill also called upon by Levi case of Benzing, and Hutchings, case of Mary S. Bradley, drive up to Store with Cotterill, home in eveg, look over Vandyke papers