The Diary

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New York, March 31st 1882.

March 31st Thursd.

Clear, cold day. My cold quite gone. I still have little painful spot on arch of each foot. Cotterill calls in the morning. At 11 ¾ A.M. by L. road to Zieglers house, take dinner with Theodor there, drive in a carriage to Astoria with him, he is much pleased, tells me some things I did not know yet about fathers father at Harzburg. In eve'g with family at Mastodon Minstrels

April 1st sat.

Still cold. Steinert + Son in town complaining about Ditsons slaughtering prices. Miß Kessler again called yesterday trying to sing at L.K. Concerts. Yesterday, gave order in writing to Atlantic Publ. & Engraving Co 9 Murray street for Willy Wallach decd collecting $10. apiece from his personal friends, Maxwell telegraphs £1000 have my hair cut. My Cottages are being occupied during this and next week by tenants. In eve'g at L.K. Abendunterhaltung, Operetta "Meister Tutenbach" given very nicely. Theodor & J. Ziegler also there, converse considerably with Mrs. Mittendorf, home at 2 AM

April 2d Sunday.

Rain. Arrived at Store, Trageser sen. + jr. are there, about Taxation. Henry Ziegler calls, tells me that Constantin Schmidts youngest child, Walter Schmidt died last night at 9 P.M. after a weeks suffering. My own baby is restless, and has red spots over his head, send George for the Doctor, who calls in after noon, says baby is teething. Am at Store in forenoon. In eve'g with wife at Zieglers, play Skat with him, Ziegler + H. Cassebeer, jr. win 7 Cents

April 3d Monday,

to Tax Office, look at L.K. Taxation, & our own, find that we are raised considerably, lunch with Mack, Judges Hall + Nehrbass at Koster & Bial, leave our Map at Westcott + Brown, little Walter Schmidt buried at our Vault today, Theodor to supper with us