The Diary

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New York, April 3d 1882.

April 3d continued--

Afterwards, he, I , wife, George + Paula go to Thalia Theatre, see "Der Iustige Krieg" afterwards to Lineau 14th str. Oysters +c

April 4th Tuesday.

Finally enter Recapitulation for Stock account find that 1881. was a very good year, we intend to heavily reduce Valuation of L. I. City R. E. At Thies with Theo. + Captain Bussius, to L.K. after supper. Home at 12½ AM

April 5th

Rainstorm. Baby splendid, smiling & laughing, wife has suffered some of Neuralgia Shoulder & left breast We close up our stock account, all sign it, hold board of trustee meeting. In eve'g at Store, going through Vandyke case in until 10½ P.M. we then go to Mühlbach, eat Oysters & drink beer

April 6th Thursd.

At Tax Office in forenoon, make return of our taxes, & as Executor. Lunch with Cotterill at Astor House, have full session on Vandyke case testify from June 1877. to April 1878. In eve'g at L.K. board of Trustee session, go through finance scheme and unanimously express our opinion that Thomas should be elected Conductor of L.K. Eat Oysters at Stills with Baumgarten, Unger & Remy. Took walk up 4th Ave.

April 7th friday.

Busily engaged in disposing of accumulated matters. It appears as though there will be no strike this spring, although scattering attempts are made in various departments in our shop. A. Gartlan called Wed. told me, had interview with Vandyke, hired and ran Bryants Theatre 26th str. with Miss Jackson, actress, from Novbr. 1877-May 78. Old Mrs. Jacob (formerly of Teutonia) brings me Easter eggs. I give her $11.00/100. Home in eveg, writing letters, George consults me regarding himself