The Diary

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New York, Novbr 4th 1882.

Novbr 4th sat.

Clear day, at 8 A.M. with George to Hoboken, Steamer Elbe arrived with my family. Find all in perfect health. Baby knows me again. The french nurse Marie, and Bertha have come along. Attend to baggage give officer Mercein $25. at my office, dinner with family at U. Sq. Hotel, afterwards Inspector $25. In eve'g with George and Dick to new L.K. present at lottery, Steinway piano is won by Miss Lobeck. Saw Emil Gabler in afternoon


Novbr 5. Sunday.

Cool clear day. Baby Willie is a large strong and exceedingly lively boy. His hair is thick and of light color. At store in forenoon. Made acquaintance of Mrs. Ellmenreich and Baron Fuchs-Nordhoff her husband yesterday, they call at noon today. Drive out with ladies & George to Central Park stopping at new L.K. Hall for a short time. Home in eve'g whole family except H. St. at my house, chat til 10 PM


Novbr. 6th Monday.

Beautiful day. Sun, Star & Volkszeitung have reports of yesterdays meeting at Wendells Hall, Chas. Hagen and F. Hartung having said that St. + S. sold pianos made by Hale and Gabler . Consult Cotterill about the matter. Regulator Ewert returns to work at store, also an old flyfinisher. Lunch home, then to Cotterill, from there to the Sun, see Editor England and the City Editor, then call on Rost, take L.K. Winter programme to him, then call on N. Y. Star, see City Editor, both treat me with great courtesy. In eve'g write Cards, which Chas. St. takes down to the "Sun" and "Star"


Novbr. 7th Tuesd.

Vote Citizens ticket at Election. Our cards in both papers read well, Sommer calls, also Cotterill, long discussion about Sommers going to Germany with his family, lunch home, give Sommer a large Roos trunk. Give audience to Miß Lienau, see also Chas.Lanz of "labor & capital". At L.K. in eve'g, preside, breezy session my son George becomes member of L.K. Home at 12½ AM
