The Diary

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New York, Novbr 9th 1882.

Novbr. 9th Wed.

Whole democratic ticket elected, and Citizens Ticket defeated. Grover Cleveland governor of N.Y. state. Strikers at Astoria getting desperate and boycotting and hooting at those who work. In afternoon a committee of action makers from Astoria call and inform me that their branch has decided to go to work again tomorrow morning, which I of course approve. Martha + Paula with H. Cassebeer & wife to Opera "Afrikanerin" I at store working. Miß Hattie Schell calls having arrived with steamer Habsburg. Have hair cut. In ev'g, work at store til 11½ P.M. Martha + Paula having been at Opera "Afrikanerin" at Hubers, eat Oysters, Pilsen beer

Novbr 10th Thursd.

Action makers go to work at 9 A.M. at. lunch home, Mrs. + Miß Rühl visit us. I buy new suit at Brokaws, and give old suit to H. Dirker. lunch home. Buy glass bottle of Peruvian Balsam for myself and use it after returning from Thalia Theatre, where with wife, Paula Martha & George, we listen to Knaack, comic actor

Novbr 11th frid.

Rain and heavy fog, take a bath. Action maker Stumpff having been assaulted by Ochsner, calls with Sommer, Burnett being there, making a complaint to have Ochsner arrested I give Sommer letter of credit for 2000 Marks, Wife, Martha and George at "Traviata" Patti performance, Paula at aunt Louisa, and I at L.K. Our action makers issue a card

Novbr 12th sat.

Yesterday and today a number of dispossess warrants are served on the Astoria Strikers. Meeting of N.Y. strikers yesterday results after stormy session that they adhere to their absurd demands. Card of action makers reads well. signs of breaking down of the strike increase. A. Sommer sails with his family to Germany in steamer Habsburg, he having six weeks furlough. Telegraph Theo "Actienmakers resumed work. Moving notice Astoria served. Sommer six weeks Urlaub sailing Germany with family today Steamer Habsburg"
