The Diary

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New York, Novbr. 21st 1882.

Novbr 21st, Tuesday.

clear day. Nice notice in Tribune. J. D. Prince writes that he will adopt my suggestion and appoint Committee. Constant stream of old employees coming back, wife & family at Germania Theatre Reif Reiflingen, I at L.K. preside, write circular to dealers
Cable to Theo. see copy book

Novbr 22d Wed.

Clear day. Strike officially declared ended by Pianomakers Union in the Volkszeitung, who have a woeful article on the matter. I telegraph to Theodor at Hamburg "Union declared strike officially ended Gabler contract work impracticable" This was in answer to cablegram from Theodor "Give Gabler Contract to complete Astoria Upright Hamburg Mechanik" John Hein, the striker from Astoria calls, I tell him he remains discharged, also Begiebing. Miß Kessler calls for L.K. pass for sunday. Home in eve'g, Jos. Kapp, his wife, daughter Emmy and Dick Ranft spend eve'g with us

Novbr 23d Thursd.

beautiful day, write article for english press and the Staatszeitung, at factory in forenoon, looking at the 10 lots which are for sale. At Bk of the Metropolis in afternoon. Our victory is complete, and the men are very much cowed down. At home in eve'g write til 10 PM


Novbr. 24. friday.

My article published in Commercial Advertiser, and reads splendidly. Cotterill writes another article. Am awful busy. I endorse Alfred Dolges note one month $5000. as a favor to him. Make verbal arrangements with Gideon Fountain for the sale of 9 lots on 53d street & Lexington Ave. for $110.000. we retaining the Schorrn house, next to factory, contract to be signed at my house tomorrow night, saw John Hein again, who urgently applied for work at Astoria;. I agree to let him know by monday. In eve'g at L.K. assist in rehearsal, afterwards L.K. resolve to sing in Philh. Concert, Jan 5th and 6th 1883 in a Composition by Brahms
