The Diary

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New York, Novbr 25th 1882.

Novbr. 25th sat.

Beautiful day. fine interview in Staatszeitung. Tribune, World, Times, Sun & Star have our card. At noon with wife baby and nurse in Carriage to Astoria. Arrange rent matters with Williamson on 2½% compensation Home in eveg. Make contract with Gideon Fountain for sale of nine factory lots for $110.000. to be closed Jan 2/83. We retain Schorrn house next to factory  Telegraphed to Theodore "Sold nine lots Hundred ten thousand Dollars, retained Schorrn house next to factory. Write your Ideas about Emil Gabler"

Nov. 26 friday

Nov. 26. Sunday.

Heavy snowstorm. At L.K. rehearsal in forenoon. At store all afternoon. In eve'g with wife, Paula George & Martha at L.K. Consecration of the new Hall. Splendid Concert under Theo. Thomas direction, I make a fine speech. The male chorus sings Waldmorgen & Hunnenschlacht, and everything passes off splendidly. Home at 1 AM. First Snowstorm

baby Willie says Papa for the first time

Novbr 27th Monday.

Fine day. In eve'g Chas. Lenz calls and we correct his article in "Capital & labor. Paula George and Martha at Pastor Krüsis fair


Novbr 28th Tuesd.

To Custom House swear to Wehber invoice, call on David Thurston 5½ Pine str., leave Abstracts of title with him, then to Wash Life Ins. Co. about releasing the 9 lots sold & my own Life Ins. then to Cotterill then lunch at Wiehls, then have measure taken at Grass for new suit. John C. Freund has nasty attack on us in his new daily paper on Sommers account viz. his trip to Europe. Am at L.K. in eve'g, preside. Wife, daughter & Martha at Christine Nilson Concert at Steinway Hall, which passes off with much eclat tel. from Theodor "Let Gabler alone". Evidently Sommer has arrived at Braunschweig