The Diary

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Astoria & New York, September 1st 1883.

Septbr 1st Sat.

Cold still bad, and nose running, also slight headache. am at store at 8 A.M. weather lovely, 77 degrees. Martin of Rochester calls, wants our Agency. To Astoria with George who had come to town we take two baskets of peaches. Retire at 9 P.M. sleep well

Sept 2d Sund.

Lovely day. Cold still obstinate. Const. Schmidt and family spend day with us. I work hard all day, write article for Musical Courier on L.K. reception of German Guests also letter to Astoria + H. Pt R.R. Co. +c +c. During the night at 2 A.M. My barn occupied by Jacob P. Rapalye burns down, evidently the work of an incendiary

Sept. 3d Monday.

My cold improved, but I have a touch in the middle section of my right foot, not painful but I must walk slowly Trademark Journal of Febr 14/83 No 272 arrives from London containing our Trademark "Steinway & Sons New York" for Great Britain. Explain to Seidelbach his duties as Janitor in case he accepts that post. To Astoria, buy a musical top for baberich who at first afraid of it is highly delighted. He grows more lovely and smart from day to day. Commence to nn Laville in evening


Sept 4. Tuesd.

Cool beautiful day`, 68 degrees at noon only. Paint with Iodine, foot gradually growing better, but a strong Diarhoe sets in. In eve'g bail out Bethune $2500 bail blind Toms Agt, eat at U. Sq. Hotel supper, to L.K. session of Music Com. home at 11½ PM

Sept. 5th Wed.

beautiful day 73 degrees, foot nearly well and diarrhoe growing better. Our Agent Bullock of Mich died at 8 A.M. today. Sold L. A. Steinways house, No 121 East 52d street to Robert M. C. Graham for $20.000. with Mirrors, Icebox + gas fixtures & received $500. on account. Yesterday had R.R. Meeting and also St + S. Bd of Trustee meeting. Great procession of the Central labor Union in forenoon, estimated at from 6000-20000 men. Had tooth filled yesterday. To Astoria, write in eve'g to Louisa A Steinway regarding sale of her house