The Diary

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Astoria & New York, Thursday, Sept. 6th 1883.

Sept 6th

Beautiful cool day, 68 degrees, gout & diarrhoe gone. At Dr. Thos. B. Gunning, who fills left upper teeth & removes tartar from them, pay him $30. At L.K. in eve'g, take supper, having forgotten to take my memorandums I run down with L. road and get it. I let Hoffmann preside at Vorstandssitzung, fix Programme for the season, and nominate Theodore Thomas for 1st dirigent and A. Paur for 2d dirigent. Home by 12.15 train, sleep splendidly

Sept 7. friday.

Lovely autumn day, but 69 degrees at noon, at Astoria in eve'g, cold quite over & am well

Sept 8. sat.

Cool fine day 71 degrees, Boscovitz arrives from Chicago At Astoria; in eve'g, write deed by Louisa A. St. to Mrs. Graham

Sept 9th sunday.

Very cold & windy, in forenoon through stable and settlement, in afternoon Henry Ziegler, wife and baby visit us I work in afternoon and eve'g

Sept 10th Monday,

lovely cool day, stop at my house and pay servant Therese (Mary) Cullity, only 65 degrees at noon in my office Mr. Shanks calls and enquires after Blumenbergs reliability who offered to negotiate between Weber & Shanks. The latter shows me Mr. Cumings letter to Whitelaw Reid, admitting that he had deceived by Weber + Freund. At Astoria in eve'g, I bring large basket of peaches, baberich very fond of them

Sept. 11 Tuesd.

Quite cool, wear Overcoat 67 degrees at noon in my office M. Steinert in town, letters from Theo. who has been sick in Vienna, Charles reported better. Geilfuss arrived with the Neckar, Oscar R. Steins arrives from Indianapolis where he has been for 10 days, singing. To L.K. via 4th Ave meet Dr. Thos. B. Gunning there and entertain him during the eve'g. Preside at session, Programme for Season of Liederkranz adopted by Society, Gesellige Abende put on Sunday nights. Home at 12.