The Diary

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Astoria & New York, Septbr. 17th 1883.

Septbr 17th Monday.

Warmer, 76 degrees at noon. Excessively busy. Mrs. Kessler calls, I give her $30. as a present, they have left Astoria and moved to New York. Both Geilfuss and Kraemer seem to be displeased at Stetsons having charge of the Warerooms hereafter, Menzl calls, also Geo. H. Smith + Burden

Sep 18. Tuesd.

to town early. My family moves back to town, and we take supper together, after which I write at Store til 9 P.M. At noon see Chas. E. Wendt about Hopkins property in Ravenswood, lunch at Hampes with Amann and Heye, call at Cotterills Office, to store with Broadway car, at L.K. let Adams preside, resolve on my Report to hold Ball at Academy of Music Febr. 11/84. also pass a series of resolutions, at 11½ P.M. to Still with Unger + Grass have oysters together, call on Schmenger afterwards.

Sept. 19. Wed.

At 12 o'clock to Supreme Court, testify before Judge Donohue in case of Receiver of Globe Life Ins. agt the Freemans foreclose of Mortgage agt Freeman block in Harlem. I testify as to value of L. I. C. Shore R.R. bonds take lunch at Hollenders, call twice on Rost, correct article on 50.000. and order 1000 slips printed thereof. Also called on Burnet, and met Solinger and Burt, called at "Daily News" and ordered insertion of article editorially. A. Hammacher telegraphs from Hamburg "Consent signed" which appties to his lots to be exch. for two others. I send off the following cablegram to Oaks, Baden-Baden Gratuliren herzlich zu Lilians Hochzeit Familie, Steinway" Learn that on my affidavit Judge Van Brunt vacated the order of arrest of Betthune and cancelled the bonds. John Van Glahn also showed me my bonds cancelled ($50.000.) which a few weeks ago I signed for him. Home in eve'g, writing out Deeds + Mttges. George and Martha + Paula to Minstrels. I suffer somewhat with Diarhoe
