The Diary

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New York, Septbr 20th 1883.

Septbr 20th Thursday.

Warmer, 74 degrees at noon. Lunch home at 1 P.M. baberich lovely. Chas. Hauptner calls, tells me he has to give up his steam Laundry business at Astoria. Jurgen Rathjen; calls in relation to his intended building, still have lose bowels, George Martha + Paula to Francesca di Remini. I write in eveg

Sept. 21st friday.

Very busy all day, Home in eve'g writing

" 22d sat.

fine cool day. Lunch home, at 2 P.M. with Bertha baberich & tuner Jones via Horse car to Hunters Pt, in my car via Bdway & German Settlement to Steinway, inspect everything large flagpole on factory up, with Trademark vane on house also Weathervane, show Jones all around, inspect Laundry, Walheim Zimmer & Conradi just starting Machinery. We ride back via St. + Jackson Ave + 34th str. Ferry, much enjoyment caused by antics and prattling of baberich. Home eve'g reading


Sept 23d Sunday.

Cool, working all forenoon in store, quite well, but slightly sore, work also all afternoon, when Paula Bertha & baberich calls for me. He is weighed 29½ #. In eve'g, Const. Schmidt & wife call & remain til 10½ PM

Sept 24th Monday.

Dark rainy day. Alaska arrived yesterday, making fastest trip on record, 6 days, 21 hours & 40 Minutes from Queenstown It rains in torrents all day, yet a good retail trade is done Walk home for lunch, am notified that I am a member of the Sheriffs jury, and that I must appear before the Senate Committee on Education and Labor next Thursday afternoon. Home in eve'g

Sept 25th Tuesd.

Beautiful clear cool day, call on Henry Ziegler, after supper consult with him. Walk through 53d str. with a view of examining George Fountain houses, find that they are already plastered At L.K. let Adams preside, I report Ball engagements for Music Com report on 50 Songs to be printed in bookform, also Theodore Thomas engagements. All unanimously ratified by the Society