The Diary

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New York, Octbr. 6th 1883.

Oct 6th sat.

Langmann, send George there. It is very cold for the season, only 60 degrees in my office. At 11½ A.M. leave Office to 29th str. meet Dr. Langmann at 12 o'clock, he tells me that position of child is crosswise. I rush out, meet Dr. Barnim Scharlau, take him with me, they decide to chloroform my wife, and at 1.45 P.M. a fine boy is born, the image of Willie, they have to shake and slap him considerably however as he nearly suffocated. At 2 P.M. telegraph to Steinway London (where Theodore and Chas H St. are at present) and also to Ranft Gellertstr. Dresden "Splendid boy born both well" William Steinway. I was terribly excited for fear something might happen to my wife or the child. I am overjoyed. Also telephone to George at factory and to Mrs Riker at Astoria. Morning and Ev'g papers have our No 50.000 Article, which reads very nicely.. Home in eve'g baby weighed 7½ # and is getting along very nicely, wife got over the whole affair splendidly, while chloroformed, felt nothing.

birth of Theodore Edwin Steinway

Oct 7th Sunday.

Slept in first extension room, both wife and baby well and baby Willie overjoyed at his little brother Work in store in forenoon, shipped 72 pianos last week + receive $13.000. Cash by mail this morning. By L. RR. to factory, see our new style D grand, just being bellied on style of B. with one continuous ring bridge. Then walk to L.K. with Hoffmann Vand. Emde + Kämmerer meet Hundt, Wenz, and Werner, also Adams & Kauffeld, treat them. We resolve to plan Mutual Concert for Hospital Verein on Tuesday, Decbr 18th 1883