The Diary

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New York, Febr 5th 1884.

Febr. 5th

Foggy weather, excessively slippery, down town, lunch at Astor House with Cotterill Solinger, see Knauth + Steele as to Gleason matter, also read Bristow testimony at Beers In eve'g via 6th Ave. to L.K. meeting of Com. on 100Mth Anniversary of German Soc. My motion is adopted Home at 12.15 A.M. Wife has sore Eye, cold in it.

Febr 6th Wed.

Slush + fog, clears up afterwards. Saw Archibald Johnson as to Vandyke, all of which transactions occurred before the Centennial, and cannot be utilized in this action. In eve'g with wife to Toussaints, all there, sing quite well, Toussaint nearly recovered from his accident in dislocating his shoulder. Home at 12 o'clock
accident St. + H. P. R. R. car set in fire by falling lamp

Febr 7. Thursd.

Slushy, muddy weather, at 11 A.M. to Kuttroff on account of his Liederkranz (adjacent) lots, do not meet him, then to Cotterills office, then to City Hall, at Board of Aldermen Hall, license for bridge L.K. Ball. Then lunch at Astor House, after which Vandyke reference goes on, F. Gartlan on the stand being our last witness, he does pretty well. At 6 P.M. with Wife & Theo. to George Mosles palatial residence No 5 W. 51st str. pleasant private dinner at 9½ P.M. to L.K. Vorstandssitzung and Board of Trustees, in the latter lay before them a plan for the acquisition of the two eastern lots and extending the buildg Home after 1 AM. They ask me to present to L.K. my picture


Febr. 8. friday.

At Court of Common Pleas at 11 A.M. my bond for Col. Bethune approved. Willie somewhat sick and ailing, evidently teething. Cook Pauline sick with a sore neck. Testify at 64 Wall str. in case of John Smith vs. Schwankowski, Detroit. Also consult with Architect Schwarzmann as to L.K. addition. to store via 6- Ave. L. road. Home in eve'g. writing letters. Wife + Paula with Theo. to Dr. Brehms lecture.

death of Emil Neymann