The Diary

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Astoria, July 2d 1884.


hunted down all day and at 5 P.M. to Flush  Ave Com.  Award Sewer to Wm. Brodie, then home After supper give Menzl case  order and have long talk with Boscovitz who wants to go back to Chicago. Saw Halsey in forenoon, he will take $8000 for $12000 Mortgage on Gas Property

July 3d Thursd.

Mrs. Zielfelder Schmidt calls, asks for aid, says they are penniless. to Astoria at 4½ P.M. after being at Bk meeting + passing F. Grote paper. Dulcken + wife with two Cuban and one english lady visit us in eve'g


July 4th friday,

took first swim bath yesterday, which much refreshed me. It comences to rain, continues all day and spoils the glorious 4th I work all day making splendid progress

July 5th sat.

Still wet, to town early, J. J. Halsey calls and I find attestation clause defective in assignment of Mortgage on Standard Gas Light Comp. I also wrote article on "Square Grand" and how the name originated. Fritz St. has a large bile on his arm Weather clearing up in afternoon. Lunch at U. Sq. Hotel, Mrs + Miß Kleber depart for Pittsburgh. Iron work on 15th str. set up to 2d story. To Astoria in afternoon

July 6th Sund.

Lovely weather, in forenoon to factory with Menzl new office nearly ready for roof. Order Williamson to put Skylight in new Carshed opposite Windows in Depot. At 3 P.M. with wife, daughter, Willie + Papa Ranft in Carriage with George on horseback, to College Point, visit Van Auws and H. Funke, home at 7 P.M. amuse ourselves splendidly, beautiful weather

July 7th Monday.

Fine weather. baby Theo. has 2d tooth. I have been quite well for a week, in town very busy. Miss Sara Barton calls on me Young Troitzsch gets $25. for getting Gas Consumers G. A. Schmidt also sees me, Retire early sleep finely