The Diary

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New York, July 8th 1884

July 8th Tuesd.

Very cool weather. Miß Sara Barton asks me to get her engagements, and speak to John Lavine who sails with the Aurania tomorrow afternoon. In ev'g at 5½ P.M. take walk to 10th str. Lovely cool weather. Miß Amanda Fabbris sings for me quite nicely take dinner at L.K. with Edward Heimendahl, who leads L.K. on trial, and is well liked. Home at 12 o'clock.

July 9th Wed.

Wm. de Kraft calls on me, I refuse to let him into proposed new Comp. except on Cash basis, drive with Carriage, R.Rt. sen. Paula & Willie to St. Michaels Cemetery, view my Pond. In ev'g to Astoria, write til 10 P.M. Kittle calls

July 10th Thursd.

Growing warmer A. M. Kessler calls, in afternoon I go to H. Pirssons 19 E. 28th str. look at samples of houses to Astoria in afternoon, Car shed nearly finished, and Tompkins hard at work double tracking Flushing Ave. In eve'g, Kittle calls, also Campbell, then Hermann + Hugo Funke & their wives visit us. In day time Mrs. Held + Mrs. Schwarz + Julie Schmidt call. Wife has earache and neuralgia.

July 11. friday.

Warmer weather, yet pleasant. Wife to town with us, meet R. M. C. Graham, whom I consult about the Gas business. The hard financial stress to business community continues, and everybody appeals to me for help At Astoria work in eve'g until 10 P.M. Cleveland nom for Pres

July 12th sat.

Very warm, call on Cadwell, Tax Office, personal Taxes all O.K. see Ottendorfer who looks quite well, see Antonio Knauth regarding Gleason matters, lunch at Postkeller, meet Genl Max Weber + wife on boat Shady Side at 1 P.M. James Slip, to Astoria with them in carriage, show them all over our place. They return by horse car at 5¼ P.M. During the night a terrific thunder shower takes place