The Diary

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New York, Aug 2d 1884.

Sat. Aug 2d.

Lovely day. George & Paula to Catskill mountains to Toussaint, at 11 A.M. In afternoon pay off Masons and laborers on our building. J. Ziegler & wife have located at Stuttgart & rented a flat there. At 3 P.M. to factory and from there in Carriage to Astoria. Campbell & Williamson call in eveg, make arrangements to build stalls up stairs for horses, at $121500/100. Mrs. R. Clarke to Cal next monday

Aug 3d Sunday.

Lovely weather & cool all day. Tretbar & wife to dinner & supper with us. RRt sen, Tretbar & I play Skat I win 75 Cents. In afternoon the Van Auw family Schmidts, and Schwarz spend several hours with us. Willie is lovely, he enjoys his saltwater bathing at the dock very much, My R.R. receipts $204100/100


Aug 4. Mond.

Rain in afternoon very heavy, at Astoria working in eve'g, and Bk Meeting in afternoon

" 5 Tuesday.

Raining all day, take dinner at L.K. At Bd. of Trustees & Vorstandssitzung, nominate Theo. Thomas for 1st Conductor, Ed. Heimendahl for 2d conductor and A. Paur for Ehrendirigent. Stetson lost his child during the night

Aug 6. Wed.

Raining again in forenoon. Am at East R. Gas Co. Works in afternoon, and examine same At Mansion busily at work in eve'g.

Aug 7. Thursday.

Raining again, lunch at U. Sq. Hotel with Papa Ranft & Schickel discussing his house matter. At 2 P.M. to Murray Hill Bk, Darling not in, then to 49th street where I meet Fabbris. At 4 P.M. to Bank, at Astoria in eve'g, G. A. Schmidt calls says his wife had a little girl, he borrows $15. of me.

Aug 8. friday.

Busy all day, getting matters ready for Stetson who sails for Europe tomorrow. Being fine weather they make good progress on roof of Annex buildg