The Diary

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New York, Aug 21st 1884.

Aug 21st Thursd.

Business still very dull. Annex building progressing very nicely, floors being rapidly laid. At Astoria in eve'g

Aug 22d friday.

To Astoria, Boyes' Hotel at 12 o'clock, Lauterbachs house sold under foreclosure, I buy same in Henry Zieglers name for $2500. Then stop at Robert Benners beautiful place, take a swimbath, work & sleep during heavy shower in afternoon at Astoria

Aug 23d sat.

Busy all day, wife, Paula + Grandpa, also Fritz + George see seven Ravens, Niblos, At Astoria work in eve'g.

Aug 24th Sunday.

Lovely cool day. Work + finish extra pricelist At 4 P.M. to Stable R.R. then with wife, Paula, Willie Mr. + Mrs. Tretbar to Jackson Ave in Wagon round Charlotteville through the Woods Flushing Ave, home at 6½ P.M. Tretbar to supper with us play Skat with him, RRt & Fritz St. lose 3 Cents

Aug 25. Monday.

Again lovely, cool weather. Wife takes lunch with me at U. Sq. Hotel. Am served as Pres. of St. & H. Point R.R. Co. with two suits by lawyers P. & D. Mitchell 137 Bdway N.Y. one for cars killing infant Margaret Mullin June 21st 1884. damages $5000. and another for James Gallagher who claims that Febr 14th/84 a car ran into his coach, damages $10.000. Consult Genl Wingate in ev'g, and give Geo. H. Smith contract for paving between tracks on St. Avenue


Aug 26th Tuesd.

Busy all day. At L.K. in eve'g after being at Heiles & Arion, change song Auswanderer to "Wo möcht ich sein" and "Frohe Wandersmann for Arion and L.K. Octbr 4th.

Aug 27th Wed.

Call on Steele, then on Genl Wingate, and have a long talk with him regarding suits and Gleason matter, also extension of our own R.R. Work in eve'g on letters to be signed by Ottendorfer + Gleason