The Diary

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Astoria & New York, Septbr. 22d 1884.

Sept 22d Monday.

Lovely day, Blasius in town wants 18 pianos lunches with me. At Astoria evg

" 23d Tuesday.

At L.K. to 49th str. take dinner with Com Centl, Heimendahl + Paur direct..

" 24. Wed.

Excessively busy, down town at Wingates office at Astoria in eve'g, Grandpa gets me from E. R. Gas Light works. Learn that Board of Aldermen unanimously passed resolution giving Broadway & B. B. R.R. franchise to Ferry through St + Jackson Ave. Mayor Petry & Woodruff, call on me in eve'g at Mansion about purchase of Waterworks ground

" 25. Thursd.

At Bk of the Metrop. in afternoon. At Astoria in eveg. George gets Dr. Taylor, Willie having been stung by a wasp. Fritz St. moves to town


" 26th friday.

Lunch at Postkeller, see Benner, call on W. R. Peters regarding Cemetery, then at Gen'l Wingates office meet Jesse Johnson there with whom I have a long talk, relative to Gleasons surrender of the Astoria & Hunters Point RR Co. & Jackson + St. Ave. track. At office in eve'g til 8½ P.M. Then to Arion & L.K. Rehearsal at Arion Hall in which Paur, Heimendahl and F. v. der Stucken direct. Home at 12 o'clock

" 27. sat.

In afternoon to Ravenswood, to E. R. Gas Light Comp. see old Scott, in reference to his accident on R.R. find him a most pigheaded man

" 28. Sunday.

beautiful weather. Carl Amann + Fr. Steinway spend day + eve'g with us. Drive out with Amann, Paula & Willie in afternoon, through Village St. Michaels Cemetery + Rikers place