The Diary

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New York, Octbr 30th 1884.

Octbr 30th Thursday.

Raining heavily all day. At 10 A.M. at Staatsztg, meet Ottendorfer, have an earnest talk with him, then see Judge Van Brunt and tell him result as to Candidates. Perry Belmonts Secretary Elleson calls on me at my house with a Card from Ottendorfer as to Belmonts Candidacy for Congress. Ranft sr. to Phila. I am at German Democratic Meeting at Steinway Hall & work also at the office til 10 P.M. Am coughing

Octbr 31st, friday.

Rainstorm. At 3 P.M. assemble with my board of directors at Millers Hotel L. Isl. C. One after the other of Gleasons board in Astoria & H. Pt. R.R. Co resigns, and my board put in. I am elected President. After leases and releases are all signed, Wingate, Jesse Johnson, Gleason + I take Oysters, come to St. Hall, meeting wife & daughter in same car, and there transfer stocks and bonds to me and I pay $28.000. to him with my own checks Spend rest of eve'g home. Cough growing worse

Novbr 1/84 Sat.

Very busy all day, Gleason calls again I change $3.000 check for him, Home in eve'g

Novbr 2/ Sunday.

Work in forenoon, to Astoria in my car via Jackson & Steinway Ave, give instructions about road, stop at Burkards. Home at 7 P.M. Play Skat with RRt sen. & H. Schmidt, lose 28 Cents

Novbr. 3d Monday.

Very busy, at Bk Metr. 4 P.M. up Bdway before supper. In eve'g at German Savgs Bank Col. Mapleson calls on me in afternoon

Novbr 4th Tuesd.

Election, cast my vote for Cleveland, Grace, Judges Daly, Allen and Larremore + Lowe. Drenching rain. At L.K. in eveg, great excitement, afterwards at Schmengers, home late
