The Diary

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New York, Novbr 5th 1884

Novbr 5th Wed.

Grace elected Mayor, Jos. F. Daly, Larremore & Allen elected Judges, Ed. Leow Comptroller, but Presidential election undecided, New York being doubtful, with Chances in favor of Cleveland. Have consultation with General Wingate. Common Council of Long Island City unanimously gives me (Brdway & B. B. R. R.) the franchise to extend its track to Ferry at 34th street

Novbr 6. Thursd.

Pres. Election still undecided, terrible excitement throughout the Country. At L.K. Bd of Trust. + Vorstand and Collation of spending Strafgelder, get home at nearly two A.M. Called on Schirmer who goes with me to my house, and tells me that he has been shabbily treated by Tretbar
death of Carl Wilhelms

Novbr 7th friday.

Excitement intense, all business at a standstill, both parties claiming the victory. In afternoon Meeting of Astoria & Hunters Point R.R. + St. Ave. and Bowery Bay R.R. Co. at my office. At 6 P.M. to dinner given to Papa Ranft by a dozen trusted friends at Sieghörtners. Very jolly evening, make some speeches, home at midnight

Novbr. 8. sat.

To Astoria at 1 P.M. while 100 guns are beiong fired by the democrats, the fact being now generally accepted that Cleveland carried the state of N.Y. by a small plurality. I stop at Ravenswood, E. R. Gas Light Co. Kittle drives me via Webster Avenue up Broadway, where Gleason track is being shifted. Stop at R.R. stable, look at the splendid lot of new horses bought. I also visit Mrs. Julia Schmidt find her well, see Menzl. Take 5.45. P.M. Car via Jackson Ave. run down in 40 Minutes. After supper work at store, Papa Ranft, wife, George + Paula to Thalia Theatre