The Diary

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New York, Decbr 21st 1884

at 7 P.M.

drive to Windsor Hotel, Patti gives us a dinner, places me to the right of her and chats with me nearly all eve'g, it is a most charming affair, I make a nice speech, Judge Joseph F. Daly also there. Home at 11 PM

Decbr 22d Monday.

Excessively busy all day Home in eve'g, writing letters

" 23d Tuesd.

In evg. Wife, George + Paula to Ristori, Queen Elizabeth, I to L.K. Home at midnight.

" 24. Wed.

Snowstorm. My arm nearly well, I am terribly pestered by people in need and F. Grote & Co. are causing me deep anxiety by the normous amount of their Indebtedness to me. At 5½ P.M. home, have "Bescheerung" at 6 P.M. Both Willie and baby Theodore are delighted, Dick Ranft + wife there, I give wife $100. George + Paula each $2500/100 each girl in the house $10. and other stuff. At 7¾ P.M. in Carriage to Metrop. Opera house, hear Tannhäuser house very empty, Schott sings splendidly. Home after midnight.

" 25th Thursd.

Christmas day. Am working at office in forenoon and at home in eveg, still take salicylic powders

" 26th friday.

Excessively busy, at Thalia Theatre with wife George & Paula, "Die Welt in der man sich langweilt" given finely. Rackowitza sits alongside of me, see Shevitch for a few moments and tell him of the rascality of Cuno. My nose & lips are chapped

" 27th Sat.

In sleigh with Williams to Steinway, spend afternoon at R.R. stable, at 5 P.M. at Millers Hotel L. Isl. City, Old board of directors of Jackson + Steinway Ave convenes There are 5 vacancies, by death and resignation, I