The Diary

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New York, Febr 24/85

Febr 24. Tuesday.

Excessively busy all day. At 5 P.M. Carl Schurz calls, relative to his lecture, I have an interesting conversation with him. Wife George + Paula at Thalia Theatre, I at 7 P.M. to L.K. have Com. Meeting on new Conductor.

Febr. 25th Wed.

Snowstorm all last night, clearing up during day. Fix up loan to W. J. Dyer of $10.000. In eve'g at L.K. Generalversammlung of German Society. I report for Revisions Ausschuss. Walk to 50th then take 3d Ave. Car Edward Uhl shows me document that my bond for $1.000.000. for him as Adm. has been officially cancelled

Febr. 26th thursd.

To factory in forenoon. Eat at Zieglers by horse cars to Astoria, see Wm. H. Williams who will leave for Florida tomorrow, he wrote to Senator Otis as to Citizens Tax bill, consult with Hobein, Fritz St. + A. Menzl as to bellymen at old office in Astoria. In eve'g with wife at Pagenstechers, Quartett, am in splendid voice. Citizens Taxbill favorably reported

Febr 27th friday.

Dark gloomy day, very busy all day,at Store in ev'g write letter to Theodor & arrange matters. Before going home eat oysters & drink Cider at U. Sq. Hotel when Stetson Blumenberg + H. Ziegler come in

Febr 28th sat.

At 4 P.M. to Wingate in R.R. matters, after seeing Haas, Schwab sen & jr. In ev'g at Judge Freedmans house with Thos. B. Stevens and Geo. W. Cotterill, spend a pleasant eve'g together. Wife at Helds, George + Paula to Theatre

March 1st Sunday.

At store all day. In afternoon Peoples Concert, my Willie hears Miß Juch sing, and makes her + her mother laugh with his droll remarks. I am home in ev'g, writing til 11 P.M. then take a warm bath which much refreshes me
