The Diary

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New York, April 11th 1885

April 12th Sunday,

wet, clearing up afterwards. My elbow still a little affected. Work in forenoon, dine with George at R.R. jr. in 18th street, who tells me that they have trouble in the Custom house. Work again in afternoon til 6½ P.M. then take light supper at U. Sq. Hotel. Business has again become extremely wretched, and all orders are run off. In eve'g work til 11 PM

April 13th Monday.

Terribly busy all day, in afternoon Meeting of Astoria & Hunters Point R.R. Company, then of directors of St. + H. Point R.R. and then of its Stockholders. Again at work in eve'g til 11 PM. Take a walk up Broadway at 6 PM.

April 14th Tuesd.

Very busy all day. Down at Staatzeitung, Mack, Burnett Genl Wingate, Geo. W. Cotterill, fix up all R.R. matters, have a tussle with Howard Lockwood on the Freund article on Courier At noon dine at Hollenders in Beaver str. in evg at L.K. help sing, home at 12½ AM }Signed contract for  land sale to St. Michaels Cemetery

April 15th Wed.

Raining, but Rheumatism all out of my elbow although I drank three Glasses of beer last night. At 12 call on Comptroller Loew, then to Astor house lunch with Cotterill, then at 2 P.M. go on the stand and testify in the Grote case, from my transactions with him in 1870 down to his death or rather my last interview with him in March 1881. Then work at Store til nearly 7 PM

April 16th Thursd.

Excessively busy all day, in ev'g at N. Y. Chorus Soc. Concert. MacKenzies "Rose of Sharon" given finely. Miß Juch sings beautifully. Ida Kleber, Col. Andrews + ladies in our box also Mißs Barton + Fabris in Organ box and Mrs. Juch


April 17th  frid.

Again very busy  Recd following cable from Theo. in Hamburg yesterday "Pollock bankrupt which breaks contract must move, public auction announced today, offered privately four hundred fifty thousand, payment of fifty thousand send money will buy answer"
