The Diary

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New York, October 3d 1885.

Oct 3d sat.

heavy rain and fog, arr. at Quarantine by 6 A.M. am met by three nephews and George, all well. Arrive at St. Hall by 11 A.M. Am excessively busy. Find every thing all right. Cable to Ranft Dresden, my arrival At 6½ P.M. at Heims, where Chas. H. St. gives his farewell dinner to us as a batchelor, Mr. Mertens, Krug, Palmer, Stetson, George St. Henry + Fritz St. Chas. Held Cassebeer and myself present. George is very witty. At 9 P.M. to L.K. Grand Reception of newly decorated building which is beautiful. The ventilation apparatus seems to work well too Find that all parties have nominated me for Pres. and finally yield to Adams and Hoffmanns reasoning. Home at 1 A.M. Sleep splendidly. Had my hair cut and took a bath in afternoon, hear Fritz Steins is very ill,


Oct 4. Sunday.

At St. Hall early, took a batch of my papers from home, it is raining badly, Cotterill calls. At 1½ P.M. with Chas. to Wm. Mertens house, meet Marie Mertens who is a stately and most charming young lady her sister also. We have a nice dinner, at 5 P.M. proceed to Astoria, where at the Ferry I am met by all our Astoria men with torchlights and Music bands, a grand procession who escort me to the Steinway Mansion. It was a grand affair, pleasing me and all of us very much We look at H. Cassebeer, then drive back, I working at Store til after 11 P.M. writing articles

Oct. 5th Monday.

Judges Van Brunt and Barrett call, lunch at Mühlbachs at Bk of Metr. hold St+S Trustee Meeting at 5½ P.M. with Fritz + Geo St. at Purcells, then at German Savings Bk afterwards working til 11 PM