The Diary

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New York and Washington, Octbr 16th 1885.

Oct 16th friday.

After excessive work, start with Treas. Maxwell for Washington at 1 P.M. in Pullman car, arr. at 8 P.M. Drive to Executive Mansion, White House, Pres. Cleveland, meet Col. Daniel L. Lamont, then drive to Secr. Manning cor. P. & 18th str. have a ¾ hours conversation with him, and leave with his assurance that he fully approves of Hills nomination and desires to consult Ottendorfer. We then drive back to Pres. Cleveland with whom I have a full hours consultation, at once being recognized by him as having met him in Buffalo many years ago. He gives me a letter to Ottendorfer, fully approves of Hills Nomination. I am charmed at the heartiness of his reception Spoke also to Secr. Manning on the Ranft case. At 12.15 AM. Maxwell, Major Haggarty and Wm Smith and I drive in Carriage to depot, take sleeper and arrive in New York at 8 A.M. on


Oct 17th Sat.

breakfast at depot G. C. drive to Ottendorfer, inform him of all and deliver letter, he agrees to leave for Washington tonight. I hasten to St. Hall a letter from Greeners lawyer, Morrison had been received asking for an interview, then rush to Hoffmann House, inform Maxwell that Ottendorfer would go tonight, bring to Ottendorfer plan of trains, then telegraph to Col. Lamont that Gentlemen would start at 9 P.M. and be at Welckers Hotel tomorrow morning" Col. Lamont answers "Yours recd" At 1 P.M. to L. Isl. C., with Campbell to Calvary, Blissville Woodside, see Campbell Cottage, see Menzl, admire our new splendid Dock, return via Astoria Ferry, supper at Cassebeers;, work at store in eve'g