The Diary

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New York, Oct 18th 1885.

Octbr. 18th Sunday.

Early at store, shipped 70 new Pianos last week viz. 28 Grand, 32 Upright and 10 Square pianos Business immense, and money flows in plentifully. Tom Stevens and Cotterill call, take dinner at Dick Ranft, work in afternoon at store til 6 P.M. then via Bridge to F Steins, Brooklyn, he is up but very weak, we sing, home at 11 PM

H. Ziegler + Cassebeer family sail from Hamburg in Hammonia

Oct 19th Monday.

See Ottendorfer, just returned from Washington, Ranft case, goods released, am excessively busy, busiyness is booming, and money flows in freely, our demurrer agt Greener is argued and is fairly successful. At 8 P.M. after supper with Cotterill at Gilsey House, I meet Governor David B. Hill; at Hoffmann House, have a pleasant chat with him, then work til 11 P.M. at office

Oct 20. Tuesd.

Excessively busy, see Ottendorfer arrange interview with Gov. Hill bet 11-12 o'clock, call on Briesen who shows me that our demurrer yesterday was sustained by Judge Coxe, then call on Judge Van Brunt then to Hoffmann House, apprize Gov. Hill of Ottendorfers intended visit, work all day, have RR Meeting with our proposed extensions on Jackson and Steinway Flushing Aves. At L.K. in eve'g, walk from 50th street to L.K. Joseph Bott, Otto Kemlitz and Silva are there I introduce them. After an interesting Session of Society and Music Com. We all sit down on my invitation to two ½ kegs of imported beer, and have a jolly time Treumann and Kemlitz sing, I make speeches and we have a splendid time generally until 1 A.M. I find that I am a general favorite with the members. Cabled Theo. & Trechmann