The Diary

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N. Y. April 6 th 1864.

Apr. 6. Wednesday.

Concert of L.K. full Chorus at the Sanitary Fair cor 17th str. & 4th Ave. afterwards my wife, Sophie & I at L.K. Hall taking supper

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" 7th Thursday.

At L.K. in eve. with my wife Rehearsal. Am not in good voice


" 8th Friday.

Beautiful mild day. take a ride with my wife & pony in Central Park. At Opera Faust in eve. with Mr & Mrs. Vogel My wife gets

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" 9th Saturday.

At home in eve. Very cold.

" 10th Sunday.

Severe Rainstorm all day. Concert in L.K. in eve. Male Chorus, Miß Stobaios plays badly. Brandeis & L. Meyer execute Beethoven Sonata well. Full Chorus sing the "Spring from the Seasons" very well. I sing "Lucas" very fair, my voice being clear though not powerful


" 11th Monday.

Maß meeting of the Workmen they resolve to go to work at 10% advance. At home in eve'g preparing circular to our dealers & new pricelist

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" 12th Tuesday.

Consulting Messr Norton & Veeder about our trial against Mrs. Rich which is set down for tomorrow

" 13th Wednesday.

Go to Court of Common Pleas, Chs Fradel, Mr. Wood (A.H.) C. F. Chickering. Am informed by E. T. Woods Clerk that Blankman will discontinue suit if we will make affidavit of ownership

my wife gets .. . .. .._ . .. ... . ... A.M
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" 14th Thursday.

At L.K. in eve. am in pretty good voice First meeting of board of Trustees of which I am member
