The Diary

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New York, Oct 30th 1885

Oct 30. friday.

Steamer Hammonia arrives early with Henry Ziegler, wife child + nurse, and Mrs. Lizzie Cassebeer with her three youngest children & nurse from Europe. Meet Cassebeers at lunch at Chas. H. St. at noon. It is raining, but my Rheumatism is nearly well. Home in eveg writing.


Oct 31. sat.

Quite cold but clear, at 6½ P.M. to L.K. First Social Evg, conducted by me, for Gentlemen only, it is an immense success, everybody remains til 1 P.M. when I close the performances, but stay til 2½ A.M. Jean Jos. Bott, Aug. Hyllested, Otto Kemlitz, Alfred Paulet, Max Treumann, Wm. Hock, Rank assist in the first and second part, everybody delighted and I feel quite happy at its grand success. Home with George & J. Hoffmann at 3 A.M. Our Male Chorus sang deliciously

Novbr 1. Sunday.

Though I drank 10 glasses of imported beer, feel fresh + free from Rheum. At 1½ with boys at Chas. new house, take dinner, at 3.30. P.M. M. F. Stannard calls at store tells me it is impossible to take situation as nurse for my children, being unable to leave her mother in Flushing. Work til 7 P.M. After supper at U. Sq. am startled at finding the following cablegram from Theodor St. at Brunswick "Steinway New York Wm Steinway 26 Gramercy park Discovered White in connection with Maxwell and crime to take Chatel Mortgage on his storage piano discharged him placed Cummings for counter signature cable your agreement and send legal papers to London Steinway" Work in eve'g writing Courier article on Liederkranz Social Evening

Novbr 2d Monday.

Excessively busy, lunch at Mühlbachs, in the morning cable Manager of City Bank that Cummings substitution for White is approved. Supper at Union Square Hotel am at German Savings Bank in eveg, large quorum, afterwards at office working until 11. P.M. At last the stream of politicians stops. Mapleson opens his Italian Opera at the Academy with Minnie Hauk tonight