The Diary

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New York, Novbr 3d 1885.

Nov. 3d Tuesday.

Election, vote at 8½ A.M. the democratic State, County Democracy City and County and Judiciary ticket :lovely day, lunch with Bartsch & John Weimann at M hlbach, Mrs. Juch and her daughter, Rieke Kreischer & Alice Ellis, and Mrs.Krüsi call at my office. Learn that lawyer Morrison attempted to serve complaint on Briesen & Cotterill without paying costs or complying with the order of the U. S. Court. Trechmann cables "White Owes 53 Pounds, craves months salary" I answer "Pay White nothing, await letter" At L.K. in eve'g, let Henry Merz preside.

Novbr 4th Wed.

To my great joy find that Gov. Hill and the entire State democratic ticked is elected, as well as nearly all my friends for whom I was interested in N.Y. and Long Island City At 9½ AM. the following cablegrams are recd from London "Highest Gold Medal awarded for general excellence and meritorious Inventions Steinway" also Six Gold Medals broad kirk hop shroder Schiedsohn Mason Organs only" business continues very finely The Evening papers contain this cablegram of the associated Press, from London, this confirming the news from Trechmann write a nice letter to Gov. David B. Hill at Elmira on his election. Herrig & Frantz send us very nice formulas for checks on them. find that my letter has been translated (to Rieffenstahl) and appeared with editorial comments in the Commercial Advertiser of Buffalo N.Y. Tammany Hall seems to have gathered very great strength again. Home at 11 PM. Have a cold

Newspaper clipping pasted into entry