The Diary

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NewYork, April 15th 1864

April 15th Friday.

At home in eve. during the day at Sanitary Fair with father and my wife

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" 16th Saturday.

Close up purchase of the two houses No 95 & 97 Clinton place N.Y. for $29.000. subject to mortgages of $18000 of Mrs. Abby M. Leland, I pay her $11.000 assuming mortgages. At home in eve. Dr. Schnetter orders nurse for Henrys baby to stop wetnursing. Dreadful Panic in Wall str.


" 17th Sunday.

Ride down in buggy with my wife. to Herald & Staatszeitung office put in Advertisemt for another Wetnurse. We ride acroß town. I go to L.K. in evening

" 18th Monday.

Last Boß meeting in the eve. Return of the respective Deposits to every manufacturer.  

. . .. . .. .._ . .. ... . ... over. .

" 19th Tuesday.

Panic in Wall str. continued yesterday and today, I go down to Peters & Probst and get more margin for our loan At home in evening.

" 20th Wednesday.

Rather cold day. I have taken cold. Coming home in the evening I find my wife very ill. & shivering, she goes to bed early

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