The Diary

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New York, January 13th 1886.

Jan. 13th Wed.

Am again badly pestered by parties trying to borrow money. Mr. Locke prevails upon me to exch. check $5000 with him in bus. connectioned with the American Opera. In eve'g I am with my wife, George + Paula in Box 11. American Opera H. Ziegler + wife also there. Orpheus (Gluck) given very finely before a fashionable house which is quite full. Both Madame Hastreiter and Juch sing finely

Jan 14th Thursd.

Clear day, still very cold all over the Country Saw George Jones of the N.Y. Times last night, this morning Times again mentions that I had declined Sub Treas. ship. Mike Murphy, Mr. Dommerichs coachman reports for duty at my house, I order him to deliver horses & cab at noon today at my stable, which is subsequently done. Home in eve'g, writing to the Governor, David B. Hill + others. Take warm bath

Jan 15th frid.

Weather moderates slightly from the fearful cold which made water pipes freeze in, at Mobile & New Orleans in the morning felt somewhat stiff in my feet. Interview with Miß Marguelis, afterwards Chas. E. Locke and in afternoon Mrs. Thurber, who tells me that a limited Opera Co with $250.000. Cap. is being formed. Locke claims to have paid his check, so I exch. for $1000. with him In eveg to L.K. to see if all is right for tomorrow try to speak to R. L. Herman as to A. Fabris solo

Jan 16. sat.

Very busy all day. In eveg have Social Evg for ladies and Gentlemen, which I conduct until 12½ A.M. Rummel who arrived same forenoon, Candidus, and Sternberg achieve a grand Success, and everybody seems to be well pleased when we drove home at nearly one oclock in a rain storm, drank only Seltzer Sold P. O. Building Astoria to C. Schubert for $5200