The Diary

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New York, January 17th 1886.

Jan'y 17th Sunday.

Have a touch on right foot instep, so that I limp. Drive to store forenoon, send George to L.K. to Hospital Com. I remain home, write notice of last night for Staatsztg and Musical Courier. At 2½ P.M. with wife drive in our new (Dommerich) Coupè + then to H. A. Cassebeers house at Steinway L. Isl. in 50 minutes, His youngest boy is baptized by Rev. Steinführer, Ed. Hornbostl & myself as godfathers, baby baptized "Edwin William Cassebeer" Have a nice dinner, make a speech, drive home at 9 PM the others, over 20. having come & going with special R.R. car


Jan 18. Monday.

Excessively busy. Snowstorm drive to store, lunch from U. Sq. Home in eveg, reading foot gradually better. Miß Fannie Hirsch calls about LK

Jan 19th Tuesday.

See Mrs. Thurber, refuse to become one of the incorporators of the American Opera Co. limited Exch. check for $3000. with Chas. E. Locke. Am at L.K. in ev'g, Com. of Seminary, preside, resolve to recommend to General N.Y. Vers. in March to remove institution from Milwaukee to N.Y. +c. Preside at Soc. Meeting, afterwards at Music Com. where after a fierce combat I succeed in having Rummel engaged for Liederkranz Concert Febr 7th Home at 1 AM

Jan 20th Wed.

Am perfectly well, walk to and from store, morning noon and eve'g. Receive a nice letter from Hon. Judge Geo. C. Barrett regarding L.K. ball. In eveg with wife George and Paula to the Academy of Music "Lohengrin" given by the American Opera, Candidus first appearance meets with much success, fine performance, Hastreiter and Emma Juch also very successful, Miß Juch is hurt on her head by a copper vessel falling upon her
