The Diary

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New York, Jan'y 21st 1886.

Jan 21st Thursd.

Sold house 123 East 52d str.for $17.000. to Robert M. C. Graham, now belonging to the estate of Albert St. In eve'g, Quartett at my house, am in good voice we remain together until 12.30. A.M. Oscar von Bernuth calls on my daughter Paula, remains til 10.30. PM

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Jan 22d friday.

Am perfectly well and light in my feet, send two releases of dower out to Louisa A. Steinway to sign before American Consul. Learn that Miß Juch is still too ill to appear tonight at 2d performance of Lohengrin Home in ev'g, wife + Paula at Star Theatre. Modjeska
Donelly paid me $25 for our cow

Jan 23d sat.

At noon lunch at Luchows, via 34th str. to L. Isl. City meet Campbell at Ferry, through Ravenswood to Astoria Steinway's, look at 12 new houses, all under roof. Drive to Bowery Bay, across Rikers and our place, see Menzl, Lizzie Cassebeer, Com. of three Upright case scrapers called on me in forenoon, I look into their request in afternoon. Back via 92d str. to store, am at home writing in ev'g
Wrote Gov Hill Burkard Notary

Jan 24th sunday.

Snowstorm, am at L.K. Mask session in forenoon Theo. cables "Short duplex the best send escale" tell H. Ziegler at L.K. also of scene with Henry W. T. Steinway yesterday who refused to send material down. In afternoon Peoples concert at St. Hall, crowded, I work in office til 6 P.M. Am at home in eve'g. Dr. Rosenstein attends to my feet at home


Jan 25. Monday.

Excessively busy all day, am a little heavy in my right heel, home in ev'g, Otto Toussaint and young Rusch call in ev'g, at Bank in afternoon

Jan 26. Tuesd.

limp somewhat, busy all day, am at L.K. in ev'g, are served with Arion notice of excavating I preside, hold Music Com. Meeting, that only Miß Winants is to sing a solo. Drive home with my coupè