The Diary

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New York, Febr. 11th 1886


and after some parleying, contract for 40 Concerts are signed. In eveg, Dick Ranft, H. Schmidt and J. Otto Toussaint call. We play Skat until midnight. Lose 78 Cents

Febr 12th friday.

Rainstorm continues. London Riots much exaggerated, at L.K. friday ev'g, investigate Oesterlein-Heppenheimer imbroglio make peace between them, home at 11 PM

Febr. 13th sat.

Busy all day, clears up towards eve'g we dremain home in ev'g working. Mr. Ovington calls

Febr 14th Sunday

Beautiful day, at last Mask session L.K. wife and Willie call for me at noon. Home afternoon and eve'g working


Febr 15th Monday.

Excessively busy, see Police Supt, who tells us that an injunction restrains them from any and all interference with L.K. Ball. Am at Hollenders by 12½ P.M. (after seeing County Clerk Flack, and Judge Barrett) see Baasel, give him 10 Tickets for the Austrian Corvette "Donau" am at Committee session at Seaman's Savings Bank, at Bk Metr. in afternoon, am quite tired out, work in evg, others Thalia Mikado

Febr 16th Tuesd.

Willie has a headache and a spoilt stomach, his tongue being coated. Ev'g papers say that Gov. Hill will attend L.K. ball & 7th Regt Reception Thursday. Wife + daughter at fizzle of Helene Wagners recitation St. Hall. I am at L.K. and am excessively busy with Ball and MusicCom. matters felt a little touch in right foot, dont drink a drop

Febr. 17th Wed.

Lovely day, Willie better. With wife, Paula & George at Metr. Opera house, see Rienzi, very fine. Meet E. C. Stanton. Governor Hill telegraphs that he will visit the Liederkranz Ball