The Diary

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New York, Febr. 18th 1886.

Febr 18th Thursday.

Lovely day, Willie quite well again. Very busy with L.K. Ball matters, consult with Inspector General Emil Schaefer. At 8 P.M. to Hoffmann house, meet Genl Porter, Gov. Hill, arrange their appearance at the Liederkranz Ball, where they arrive shortly before 11 P.M. also Gov. Abbett of N.J. Miß Lili Lehmann is also in our box. Visit also Mr. Stantons private office with Gov. Hill and staff. Glorious Success I get home at 3 A.M. well pleased that all has turned out so well

Febr 19th friday.

Have slight Katzenjammer, papers all have good reports of the Ball. F. Ringler calls, his ticket having been offered for sale in front of Opera house. Am home in ev'g, take bath, much refreshing me. Mr Lemcke calls

Febr 20th sat.

Intensely cold, at 1 P.M. after lunching at Luechows, to Hunters Point, with Campbell to Burdens pl. thence through Dutch Kills to Woodside, thence to factory, see Menzl about Charcoal Iron, and impress upon his mind to let young mens' orders be put on order book Return via Astoria Ferry, neap tide prevents boat from reaching dock. At Wiebuschs house with wife in eveg, Quartett, am in good voice. Home at 12.15 A.M. George + Paula having been at Burkards come home at 3 AM in special car. Signed as surety for H. A. Cassebeer jr. on his 6th Ave. store lease for five years

Febr. 21st Sunday.

Quite cold, walk to store, thence wife calls in carriage with Willie, drive to factory, new E. with Metal Wrestplank splendid tone, attend Mask session, Ringler case adjusted. Spend afternoon at store working. Stetson went to Florida last night. Home in eveg working
