The Diary

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New York, Febr. 22d 1886.

Febr 22d Monday.

Washingtons birthday. fine weather. Striebeck calls at my house, tells me his wife is getting more crazy every day, I loan him $30. Work in forenoon and afternoon. Get Fannie Hirsch 3 Tickets to Am. Opera who have a Grand Matinee of Orpheus quite crowded. Consent that young Juch be discharged from our employ next sat. Home in evg working

Febr 23d Tuesd.

Very busy. At L.K. in ev'g, preside, Music Com. authorizes me to engage Lehmann--Musin at $450. for L.K. Concert April 18 Hold also Seminar Com. Meeting same eve'g

Febr 24th Wed.

Excessively busy all day. Home in ev'g working made tax return as Exec. H. St jr saw Edward Uhl and called on v. Briesen

" 25. Thursday.

George + Paula at Hardts party in evg, I am at Hospital yearly Meeting in Eg, play Skat with L. Kämmerer, Mai and R. H. Adams win 8 Cents home by 1 A.M. L. train Was excessively busy all day, demand of our drivers received viz. St. + H. Point R.R. Co. hold a meeting of directors and my answer to them is unanimously adopted

Febr 26. frida

Febr. 26. friday.

Lovely clear but cold weather. Saw Ottendorfer in the forenoon about Schurz speech, discussed other matters with him, in eve'g with wife & Paula & Dick Ranft at "Faust" German Opera , Lili Lehmann & Emil Fischer grand, Blocksbergs scene included, howling storm all night doing great damage


Febr. 27. sat.

Excessively cold weather, Willie has the mumps Henry W. T. Steinway with Wm H. Williams depart in steamer to Florida. In evg at L.K. German Society General Versammlung, am elected on Revisions Ausschuss with Edward Uhl for next February. Home at 1 AM.

Febr 28th Sunday.

Lovely day. Drive with Little Theo. & Nurse to and from L.K. Work all afternoon, Willie vomits and is strongly affected. George has lumbago, Paula not quite well