The Diary

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New York, Decbr. 5th 1886.

Dec 5th Sunday.

Heavy Snowstorm, work all day at store, wife neuralgia, I remain home in evg, working. Oscar v. Bernuth calls

Dec. 6th Monday.

Cold + Snow, Seligmans press for payment of claim on my guaranty of Locke as manager of American Opera, of $5000. telegraph to Locke Chicago. To our great joy, Hettie St. is now out of danger though very weak. At Germ. Savg's Bk in Ev'g, then dictate and write letters til 11 P.M. At Lienaus afterwards

Dec 7. Tuesd.

Have talk with lawyer Seligman + Cotterill on my guarantee of $5000. telegraphed Locke yesterday and am promised an answer. Wifes neuralgia better Am at L.K.; in ev'g, squelch Baltimore trip

Dec. 8. Wed.

Lovely weather, Chas. St. who had sore throat is much better and is back to store. In ev'g at 8 PM to L.K. Silver wedding of Franz Schneider & wife, very nice affair, presented them with a silver basket + napkin I make very nice speech, home at 2.30. AM

Decbr. 9. Thursd.

Busy all day, Albert Niemann called in my absence At Bk of the Metrop. in afternoon. At Hoffmann House from 6½ -12 P.M. dinner in honor of Seidl. Niemann, Carl Schurz and Stanton there. Very nice ev'g, I make a German speech on German Opera and the Germans

Dec 10. friday.

Busy all day. Candidus telegraphs that he has not received any salary as yet. Things look decidedly blue for the Opera at Chicago and elsewhere. Home in evg work, take warm bath which much refreshes me

Dec 11. sat.

With George, and Mr. Bailey of West Haven, Ct. to Steinway Astoria via Hunters Point, look over Stinkfactory with the latter and Menzl with a view of preparing it for a piano