The Diary

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New York, Decbr. 16th 1886.

Decbr. 16th Thursd.

Excessively busy all day, have dispute with wife forbidding her to strike children in their face. Working home in eve'g til 11 PM. At Bk. Metrop. in afternoon


Decbr. 17th friday.

With Chas. Hauselt and his two Nephews via 92d str. to Astoria, looked at Standard Gas Works, Vinegar, Williams, Oaks and Astoria Ink factory, home by Car via 34th str. Ferry, arr. at 6 P.M. Paula at Aunt Louise, wife + Geo at Star Theatre, I work at office. Captain Longstreet called yesterday. Little Theo. was yellow for a few days, is getting better however. Wife, George + I at Lienau’s afterwards

Decbr 18th sat.

Fog, slush and rain. We got off a large number of Steinway pianos during the two last weeks, viz. 73 from Dec 4-11th and 75 from 11th til tonight. Wife, Paula George + Willie at Rip van Winkle, Star Theatre. At home in ev'g working, take warm bath. Schevitch called

Dec 19th Sund.

beautiful day. Wesendonck calls in relation to Uptown German Theatre matters. Work in forenoon and afternoon at Store, having finished all our communications to our dealers. Louisa Rieke, Ella & Hettie with us for dinner Hettie being quite well again. At 4½ P.M. I go to factory see H. Ziegler and try a magnificent Style C. 71/3 Oct. with Cypress ribs in the treble, I then go to L.K. from there home to supper, then to Arion Concert at St. Hall they sing splendidly


Dec. 20th Monday.

Fine mild day, my Willie is 5 years old today The American Opera Comp. seems to get along somewhat better now, + I hear that Candidus is in magnificent voice this season Take a walk up Fourth Ave. At home in eveg working at circular to dealers +c.