The Diary

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New York, Decbr. 21st 1886.

Decbr 21st Tuesd.

Very busy all day. At L.K. in ev'g, in afternoon Sarah Cecil calls, regarding singing at Frauenverein Concert Jan 27th and L.K. Concert Jany 30th Home at 1 AM

Decbr 22d Wed.

Business rush lets up somewhat but money comes in quite freely, and Retail is still very good. Home evg

Decbr 23d Thursd.

Very busy all day. Mr. Ottendorfer and Theo. Thomas call, the former on Blackwell's Island Bridge business connected with the N.Y. Consolidated Gas Companies. It rains and storms badly during which I walk up 4th Ave. through 22d str. home. Work til 10½ P.M.


Decbr 24th friday.

Am again as every year badly pestered by people in need, today even Sit. Carl Kapff who borrows $150 of me “Bescheerung" at my house, Louisa, Rieke, Hettie + Ella being with us, Ella acting as Santa Claus. Willie + Little Theo. terribly excited but overjoyed. I gave wife $100. Paula + George each $50, and each servant $10. besides other things. Retire at 10.30 PM


Decbr. 25th sat.

Lovely weather after last nights storm. I work all day at store and perform a great deal of necessary work. Cotterill calls at noon at store and tells me all about the Jarvis case, in which he is counsel. Franz Rummel writes his father is dying. At 7 P.M. to Louisa A. St. 25 Madison Ave, my wife George + Paula there, we have a very nice supper, home at 10½ PM

Dec 26th Sunday.

fine mild day. To Store, then to L.K. on Paur diploma + Baltimore L.K. 50th anniversary, then home, Louisa St. Riekchen, Hettie + Ella at my house at dinner, at 2½ P.M. I go via Brooklyn Bridge to Brooklyn, to Fritz Steins house, thence we drive to Henry Haas, where we spend a very nice time, Henry Haas having been sick with Rheumatism for six weeks. He is still confined to his house. His daughter paints beautifully. Then Fritz, Lang + I to Strohms, then for supper to Langs where I stay til 11.30 P.M. Home via Bridge at 12.15 AM