The Diary

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New York, Decbr. 27th 1886.

Decbr 27th Monday.

Mild weather. American Opera Comp. back learn that Mrs. Thurber said "that I was the source of all the trouble to the American Opera Company," to Berry, Tribune Reporter, who told me so in the presence of Otto Flörsheim. Am at Office in E'vg and work, wife + children at St. Hall, Panorama

Dec. 28. Tuesd.

Very busy all day, saw Locke for a few minutes, make appointment for tomorrow. Am at L.K. in ev'g, meet Schimmel, Dratz, Steinhäuser, Vietor there, also Areus from Cleveland, Ohio. Come home only bet 2-3 AM

Decbr. 29th Wed.

Very busy all day, and eve'g at office. Wife and children to Wallack's Theatre, School for Scandal Saw Locke in afternoon who shows me his contracts with American Opera Co. Limited which are very unfavorable to him. My wife with Willie to Steinhäusers in Brooklyn afternoon

Decbr. 30. Thursday.

Snowstorm and cold all day, am down town, see Fred.k G. Dow, Attorney, 145 Broadway for foreclosure of Metzler Mtge and Mrs. Poppenhusen (Adolph, decd) then see John L. Riker in relation to their property, R.R. Consents +c. then Genl Wingate on R.R. matters, also stopped at Cotterills office without seeing him. Took lunch with Hoffmann + friends at Hollenders. On arriving home meet Candidus, Hock, Hinrichs all greatly excited about American Opera Compy

Decbr 31st friday.

trouble with Am Opera continues all day. beastly weather sleeting storm continues all day and night. Wife with Willie, Lizzie Cassebeer at Thalia Theatre, in ev'g, Louisa, Rieke Kreischer, R. Ranft, jr. & wife, H. A. Cassebeer, jr. + wife at our house, Ranft, Casseb. + I play Skat with them win 76 Cents. At 11½ P.M. we sat down to table (George, Paula + Hettie being at Hardts) and at 12 oclock we drink to each others health and pass into the new year of 1887 being together until