The Diary

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New York, Febr. 19th 1887.

Febr 19. Sat.

Feel quite well, at 2 P.M. to Astoria and Bowery Bay, my wife and the two little boys also there, much enjoying themselves, in evg with wife, daughter, Louisa A. St. Riekchen and Hettie at Philh. Concert, Joseffy plays Brahms Concerto very finely, at Dorlons afterwards eating Oysters


Febr 20th Sund.

Working at store in forenoon, at home aft. + eve’g


" 21st Mond.

Dark day, in afternoon run down to Oelrichs & Co. see Haas, who is at his Post again though still ailing take refusal of Cabin for Aller 6th of April, Trave 23d of March In ev’g with wife, George Paula & Hettie at Bachelors Ball which is a splendid affair. I come home at 2 A.M. wife + children at 4 AM

Febr. 22d Tuesd.

Washingtons birthday. Wet gloomy weather work in the store all day, at L.K. in evg

" 23 Wed.

Assemble at Mauers, Albert Niemann cables from Berlin, Tafelrunde answers him we are very jolly, am home in eve’g

" 24. Thursd.

Very busy all day. At 7 P.M. to Ottendorfer play Skat with him Loeser + Dr. Senner, win $1.74 Cts.

" 25. Friday.

Lovely day. Gave bond with Tretbar for Geilfuss yesterday $1700. in a replevin suit for a piano With wife at Meistersinger in ev’g, Alvary, Fischer Brand and Seidl-Krause. Mr. Seidl receives a lovely cup of love, to which I had subscribed $100 Seidl makes a neat little speech in German

Febr. 26th Sat.

Snowing hard all day. Business is quite good with us at Retail. Miß Sarah Cecil sailed for England in steamer Etruria this morning, In afternoon we all meet B.B.B. + I. Co. at George Ehrets hold Meeting, fearful snow and rainstorm, am home, warm bath greatly refreshing me