The Diary

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New York, Febr. 27th 1887

Febr. 27. Sund.

Work at office forenoon + home afternoon & eve’g

" 28th Mond.

Am at German Soc. Generalversamlung at 8 P.M. Make report of Finance, Revisions Com. all correct

March 1st Tuesd.

Hetties birthday. At Delmonico’ party, then we all go to Seidl Concert at St. Hall, then I rush to L.K. arranging for next sat. then to Heims where Seidl and friends are assembled, get home at 2 AM

Mar. 2d Wed.

Nice stag party at Ottendorfers, sing very nice Quartetts with the Steins and Kapp, home Midnight

Mar 3d Thursd.

At L.K. Board of Trustees +c. Splendid Ball at my house, which is not over til 3 A.M. I take Lili Hardt and Elsa v. Bernuth home, then Helen Cassebeer, to bed at 4 AM

Mar 4th Friday.

Feel remote touch in right middle finger, at 6 P.M. birthday party of George + Riekchen Kreischer which is somewhat marred by Adam Webers injudicious talk, home at 11 P.M. put Vasoline on finger

March 5th sat.

My birthday. Finger hurts me, remit $2500 to Theo. for Baker house sold by me for him at $5000. viz $2500 Cash $2500 Mortgage. Anton Schott gives Song Matinee at St. Hall, sings splendidly. Henry Ward Beecher paralized. The grand Social E’vg with Anton Schott, Dessauer, Lube +c. takes place at L.K. Brooklyn Germania & Hoboken German Club are invited. It is immensely crowded and turns out to be a glorious eveg, I preside, home at 1 AM


March 6. Sunday.

Snow, Slush & rain. My finger swollen badly work all day, at Store in forenoon, and home afternoon and evg, do a great deal of work. Write articles for Staatszeitung and Musical Courier, also notice of Kaps’s death, who died at Dresden February 11th 1887