The Diary

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New York, July 3d 1887.

July 3d Sunday.

Work til 5 P.M. have loose bowels. It is very hot, at 5 P.M. drive to Beach, Great crowds of People Play 66 with Dick Ranft lose 40 Cents

July 4th Monday.

Splendid weather, large concourse of people and many bathing, I am on Dock at 5-6 P.M. In eveg we take a pleasure in Dan Kellys Yacht past Bowery Bay College + Oak Point, Port Morris from 9 P.M. to 11 P.M. We are 11 of us and we all enjoy the fun

July 5th Tuesd.

Am terribly busy. Fritz cables from London that Charles Ziegler accepts the Office of Cashier there See Mrs. Fabris who has been very ill, her daughter and Miß Juch remaining unpaid by Natl Opera Comp At L.K. in ev’g, proposed Rudolph E. Schirmer for membership. The Oakes sale of property enjoined by order of U. S. Judge Brown, and injunction modified by Judge Benedict, home before midnight at City house

July 6th Wed.

Matthias Gray Comp. Meeting takes place at 10 A.M. and all certificates of Indebtedness, as well as stock is paid for. My lots bought from Woolsey on Flushing are paid for by me. at Ottendorfers lose $2.02. in Skat

July 7th Thursd.

Still very hot and temperature in the 90 Am at George Hills Office, make affidavit in Oakes case, meet Oakes and Banning. The Oakes case is badly hampered by Wm H. Williams absences from the City, he again having left for Kentucky yesterday after paying me Interest on his demand note of $4000. I am at L.K. Trustee Meeting in evg Fritz cables “Write at once how to effect your proposed change of management”

July 8. frid.

Steamer “Trave” is at Dock at Hoboken at 10 A.M. I cannot leave store having to swear