The Diary

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New York + Astoria, July 8/87.


to my affidavit in Karcher + Oakes affair. My two boys come rushing into the office, at 1+ P.M. my wife arrives. At 4.50. P.M. I proceed with Papa Ranft by B. B. B. boat “Sylvan Grove” to Grand Pier direct lovely sail. We all retire before 10 PM


July 9. sat.

fine drive via Shore Road to Ferry in morning. In afternoon at 2 P.M. with Sylvan Grove via Grand Pier home take a fine swim bath. Skat in ev’g, Cassebeer, RRt sen+jr. win 60 Cents. Have much fun with Willie and baby

July 10th sund.

Work all day, fine weather slight shower, crowds at Bowery Bay Beach, eat Clam Chowder at Kaesebiers, see the latter about L.K. + Phila M. C. excursion

July 11th Mond.

Very busy all day. Am at Wingate, E. R. Bank and cut off Coupons from Kreischer Estate, to Astoria via 92d Ferry, have my hair cut, had trouble all day yesterday and today with Gardner Menzl about Gardening matters

July 12th Tuesday.

Very warm, Sold balance of Flushing Ave Certificates to E. R. Bank. Am at L.K. in evg. L.K. resolves to make “Ausflug” to B. B. Beach with Phila M. C. during first half of August. Julius Hoffmann had gout, but is well again

July 13th Wed.

Very hot all day, 86 in my office, took fine tub bath cold at my City house. With RRt sen to Ottendorfers play Skat. Reach Astoria Mansion at 11.20. P.M. won 27 Cents


July 14th Thursday.

At Bk in afternoon, to Astoria by way of Grand Pier, Bowery Bay Beach

July 15th friday.

Excessively busy, again home by boat from 23d str. to Grand Pier, it is terribly hot now. Sold $15.000. West Shore Bonds through Fred Palmer