The Diary

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New York & Catskill July 19th 1887

July 16th Sat.

Terribly hot. By West Shore R.R. with L.K. to Kaaterskill Mountains, Nice trip arrive at Kaaterskill Hotel at 8 PM Sing for the guests. At B B Beach Leiboldts orchestra plays twice a day

July 17th

L. K. to Sunset Rock, I remain at Hotel, see S. M. Cohen, Fred. Hazelton, Mr. Loeb, George Jones. In afternoon play Skat in my room with Adams, Hoffmann, Loeser and Dr. Heidenfeld win 50 Cents. In evg sing with Chorus on Piazza after returning from Picnic at Kaaterskill station

July 18th Monday.

Depart at 2.15. P.M. for Overlook Mountain where we arrive by 6.30 P.M. In evg Commers at Dining room, which is a splendid affair, I also make a witty speech describing an alleged conversation between Julius Hoffmann + myself.

July 19th Tuesd.

In morning march to Tower sing Quartett there in Chorus, depart at 2.30 P.M. via Tannersville & Woodstock, reach N.Y. at 42d str. at 8 P.M. I reach Steinway Mansion Astoria via 42d str. & 2d Ave. 92d str. Ferry and my cars at 10 P.M. All to bed


July 20th Wed.

Awful trouble as though Bedlam were let loose. Loan Gleason from Est. of Abt St. $15.000. on Bond and Mortgage. Home to Astoria via boat to Grand Pier, it is raining

July 21st Thursd.

Very busy all day cannot go to Bank. At Astoria in evg.


July 22d friday.

Remain at Astoria perform an immense lot of work, being left quietly to myself.