The Diary

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New York + Astoria, July 23d 1887

July 23d sat.

It is raining in Torrents like yesterday and the Steinway & Sons Working mens Picnic is completely spoiled and postponed


July 24th Sunday.

Raining in forenoon and part of afternoon. Smith Burden, Cassebeer & I drive over Beach and order final touches to be done. Oscar Passavant Romer, Otto, Herman & Lillie Toussaint, Nellie Hays to dinner + supper with us

July 25th Monday.

Very hot day. At 6 P.M. depart for Albany in Daniel Drew, being hot. I have rather a sleepless night, breakfast on board and,

July 26. Tuesd.__

in drenching rain drive to Executive Mansion, have a talk with Governor Hill on Queens County District Attorney and other matters, all very pleasant. He shows me all over the Executive Mansion. I return by R.R. at 9.55. A.M. reach N.Y. at 2.12 P.M. Take supper at L.K. at home 12.30 AM


July 27th Wednesday,

Very busy, At Ottendorfers, Loeser Senner send in my resignation as member of Verwaltungs raths Milwaukee Seminary. At the Skat lost $1.37-- Home at midnight at Gram. Park house


July 28th Thursd.

Feel slight touch in right heel, at 3.20 P.M. with train with George & A. Roesler to Great Neck, he living with his family in a Cottage on Cow Bay. George had proposed some 10 days previously to Tillie Roesler, who is not handsome but a good, well educated and highly musical girl, she will be 17 years in Septbr next. I remain to supper and return with George by 9 P.M. train, arriving at Steinway Mansion by 10.45. P.M. Very warm
