The Diary

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New York + Astoria, July 29th 1887.

July 29th friday.

Remain all day at Astoria, touch increases to that towards eve’g I walk lame. Write Theo. proper answer to his crazy letter of July 9th hold Church Meeting with Titus and the Kouwenhovens, had interview with Sutphin and John Fleming on Wednesday, with P. J. Gleason on Thursday, and to-day Governor Hill telegraphed through Col. Rice, that Sutphin must call Meeting of Central Committee My gout touch is very severe, I took Laville, and paint with Iodine and suffer greatly during first part of night

July 30th sat.

I hobble between two sticks to our Park Phaeton and drive all the way to St. Hall, send for Lunch and return by wagon back again at 3 P.M. Fortunately the weather clears up for our Workingmens Picnic I drive via Hunters Point to Bowery Bay, see the Picnic, then drive home, take some Salicyl powders Picnic is a splendid success, over 600 persons

July 31. Sunday.

Am busy all day. Miß Tillie Roesler visits us and we are well pleased with her. Dictate some letters to our Stenographer in afternoon, getting better rapidly

Aug 1. Monday.

Am nearly well, excessively busy. Am in afternoon Going via 6 Av. L Road to Ottendorfers, present him with a nice Skat Etui we play Skat til 11 P.M. I win 34 Cts, take leave of Ottendorfer who sails to Europe by steamer Elbe on Wednesday. In open carriage with Dr. Senner, Loeser to 3d Ave. 125th str. L. station, home by L. road. Mayor Gleason calls on me

Aug 2. Tuesday.

Busy all day. Ida Klein calls. Am at L.K. in ev’g, Emil Unger tells me about Grunenthal home at Gramercy Park house at 12+ AM drank Pilsner beer, first time in one week