The Diary

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New York March 29th 1888


At last the sun shines again in the afternoon and weather grows warmer. Visited Fritz Steins, sad case.

March 30th frid.

Both Willie and Theo. better and Willie leaves bed, though still very weak. Work til 7 P.M. then go up town via 40th str. and to L.K. delegates meeting on Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial Service I preside, add sufficient to make amount of $1750. which is divided among seven German Benevolent Societies $250 each. Play Skat with Adams, Hoffmann and Van der Emde win 9 Cents


March 31st sat.

Lovely warm weather, very busy all day receive Cablegrams and letters requiring more affidavits and nightwork on my part, and again work hard til nearly midnight on my affidavit regarding Patent Agents Horn, take a warm bath

April 1st Sunday.

Lovely mild weather, my little boys most happy over the Easter eggs and Osterhase, though both still cough, the roses are returning to their cheeks. Am also troubled about house hunting for both George and Paula. Work at store in forenoon afternoon, and home in ev’g at those miserable Trademark affidavits in London.


April 2d Monday.

Excessively busy all day, at German Savings Bank, have quite a tussle with Bissinger but the attempt to start a Bank in the Building is unanimously squelched on my motion. We drink beer together til 10.30. P.M. at Lüchows afterwards and have a chat

April 3d Tuesday.

In forenoon with Harry D. Low to British Consul sign 3 cancellations of Trademark and Horn Affidavit before him, then at Safe Deposit Comp. Meet George F. Kreischer and Mrs. Kate Weber, the latter bitterly complains at the way her husband has treated her