The Diary

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New York, Novbr. 10th 1888.


American Musician over Quiggs signature has a splendid interview with me on politics + free trade.


Novbr 11th Sunday.

Lovely cool day. Work in forenoon at office. At noon Louis and Oscar von Bernuth to dinner with us. Work all the afternoon, with us again in evg when I work til late


Novbr 12th Monday.

Excessively busy all day with preparations for the wedding. At 4 P.M. home, at 5 P.M. wife, Frl. and boys in a carriage, and I drive with Paula in a carriage to Church of the Divine Paternity cor 5th Ave. + 45th str. which is crowded with very fine people. I conduct Paula to the altar and place her hand into that of Louis v. Bernuth. Pastor Krüsi officiates, Services very impressive, Paula looked very fine in every respect. Then drive home. Our house beautifully decorated, fine dinner furnished by Delmonicos I make speeches and read telegrams of which an immense number came from Europe. At 1 A.M. the happy event came to a close. My wife fainted while at table & vomits but then gets better
During the day Wm. Blasius called wanted to sell me his Phila. Real Estate

Novbr 13th Tuesd.

Many splendid reports of the Wedding. F. G. Smith and son call and want our Agency for Kansas City. Grace Sykes calls on account of saving her piano which E. Jeckel turned over to her. At L.K. in evg make Concert Programme, hold St.+S. Trustee Meeting, Article in Evg Sun agt Senner + U. S. Export Almanac Comp. Justus F. Poggenburg tells that he has been appointed “Geschäftsführer” in the N.Y. Staatszeitung. Met Bilhuber at L.K. & conversed with him

Novbr 14th Wed.

At Astoria in afternoon, with Tunis, + Lawrence in evg at German Club, buildg Com, elected Pres thereof